Arlington Recreation
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Kid Care Afterschool: New Family Lottery Register View Cart

Arlington Recreation is holding a one-time lottery for spaces in the Afterschool program for the 2025-26 school year. Registration for the lottery will be on Tuesday, April 8th 9:00am -12:30pm.  (We don't consider the actual time you register as long as it is any time between 9 - 12:30.) The Lottery will be a one time event unless we have additional spaces to offer. Priority will be given to families seeking 5 days. Please see the instructions below. There is no charge to register for the lottery.

Before you register for the Lottery, please be sure to visit the Kid Care Afterschool page for more information on the program and policies.

*Tip:  Prior to April 8, make sure that your household account and your child's information is up to date - especially their current grade! Also be sure you can easily log in to your account.  Problems?  Call 781-316-3880.*

Instructions for the NEW Family Lottery on April 8
  • Before registering, please be sure your household account is up to date and your child's grade is correct. Also be sure to review the Kid Care Afterschool Program information and policies.
  • Registration for the Lottery is ONLY on April 8 from 9am - 12:30pm. It doesn't matter what time you register within that time period.
  • You will be asked the number of days you would like your child to attend (5-day, 4-day, 3-day or 2-day). Please note, once registered, you are committed to the number of days you initially registered for until December.
  • If you are requesting less than 5 days, you will be asked to specify days of the week you would consider.
  • If you are registering multiple children, please complete the information for all.
  • Starting the afternoon on April 8, Kid Care Staff will contact selected families to complete the registration.
  • PRIORITY will be given to families seeking 5-days.
  • If we are able to give you exactly what you requested, we will directly register your child. Please note, you will be responsible for paying the (non-refundable) $50 application fee and tuition for September by midnight. Please check your email.
  • For some families, if space is not available for any or all of the days you want, you will have the option of going on the waitlist. 
  • We hope to communicate status to all Lottery families by the end of the week. Names will be cleared from the lottery once the drawing is complete.
  • Important! The (non-refundable) $50 application fee and tuition for September will be due by midnight! Registrations with unpaid September balances will be cancelled within 24 hours.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
  Registration Unavailable
View Registration Eligibility
2025-26 Lottery 
N/A K - 5 09/01/2025
07:01 AM - 07:02 AM

$0.00 Res, $0.00 Non-Res
Lottery Registration Open April 8, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM ONLY
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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