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Tips - Prior to Registration... Grades automatically roll up on on 6/1/25. If you are registering an incoming kindergartener before 6/1/25 - the grade should be "PK". Also, if you child's grade is incorrect or listed as "N/A", please contact Arlington Rec to update. After registration is complete...Check your receipt! Be sure that your receipt lists all of the weekdays you desired. Please email lkirchner@town.arlington.ma.us if you experience any problem. Registration Instructions: Families CURRENTLY attending program - Log into your household account between April 1-6, 2025. Register for the Kid Care Afterschool: Application Fee 2025-26 and pay the one-time, non-refundable $50 fee per child. Register for the Kid Care Afterschool: PROGRAM 2025-26. You may chose 2-5 days and you must register for all months. If you were not able to register for all of the days you need, register your child for the Waitlist. (Waitlists for additional days are only available when the day is completely full) You are making a 3 month commitment and responsible for all the days you registered for until December. (After December, you can drop days without penalty.) Application Instructions: NEW Families - Log into your household account or create one. Be sure your information and your child's information is up-to-date and accurate. On 4/8/25 from 9:00am - 12:30pm, register for the Kid Care Afterschool New Family Lottery. (It doesn't matter what time you register as long as it is within that time period). You will be asked a series of questions including if you want 5-days, 4-days, 3-days or 2-days. Answers cannot be changed once submitted. Families will be contacted by Arlington Rec staff within a couple of days with their status. PRIORITY will be given to families seeking 5 days. Based on space available, families will be registered and required to check out their first month's tuition for September and pay the $50 application fee by midnight to avoid cancellation. If space is not available for any or all of the days you want, you may have the option of going on the waitlist. You are making a 3 month commitment and responsible for all the days you registered for until December. (After December, you can drop days without penalty.) Families who miss the April 8 lottery should contact Arlington Recreation directly (781-316-3880) to check availability.